Adhikari, Anindita and Narayanan, Rajendran and Dhorajiwala, Sakina and Mundoli, Seema
21 days and counting : COVID-19 lockdown, migrant workers, and
the inadequacy of welfare measures in India.
Technical Report.
Stranded Workers Action Network.
On the 25th of March the Prime Minister (PM), Mr. Narendra Modi, announced a nationwide lockdown to stem the spread of the novel Coronavirus, COVID-19.. The decision, while imminent, was unplanned and unilaterally made without any consultation with the state governments. This has consequently caught millions of migrant workers and the bureaucracy off-guard, leaving them no time to plan for such an emergency. While millions of migrants successfully reached their home states, only to be quarantined in camps, many remain stranded far from home, with no money or food. We are therefore confronting a lethal combination of crises: health, hunger, sanitation, and trauma, both physical and psychological.
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