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(APU), Azim Premji University
(APU), Azim Premji University (2016) Karva 2016. Documentation. Azim Premji University, Bengaluru.
A., Narayana
A., Narayana (2016) ಸೆಕ್ಸ್ ವಿಡಿಯೊ ಎಂಬ ಸಮ್ಮೋಹನಾಸ್ತ್ರ. Prajavani.
A., Narayana (2016) ಹೊಸ ನೋಟು, ಹಳೆಯ ಸವಾಲು. Prajavani.
A., Narayana (2016) ದಕ್ಷಿಣ ಕನ್ನಡ ಜಿಲ್ಲೆಯಲ್ಲಿ ಏನಾಗುತ್ತಿದೆ? Prajavani.
A., Narayana (2016) 2018ರ ಚುನಾವಣೆಯ ಸುತ್ತ ಒಂದಷ್ಟು. Prajavani.
A., Narayana (2016) ಶಾಸನ ಮಾಡಲು ಇನ್ನೊಂದು ಅಂಗ ಬೇಕು. Prajavani.
A., Narayana (2016) ಯುದ್ಧೋನ್ಮಾದ ವಾಚಾಳಿತನ ಎಂಬ ಶತ್ರು. Prajavani.
A., Narayana (2016) ಇದು ನ್ಯಾಯಾಂಗವೇ ಸೃಷ್ಟಿಸಿದ ಅಪಸ್ವರ. Prajavani.
A., Narayana (2016) ಬಂದ್ ಎನ್ನುವ ಮುದಿ ಪ್ರತಿಭಟನಾಸ್ತ್ರ. Prajavani.
A., Narayana (2016) ಉದಾರೀಕರಣೋತ್ತರದ ಬಡತನ ಉಪಾಖ್ಯಾನ. Prajavani.
A., Narayana (2016) ಸ್ವಾತಂತ್ರ್ಯ ಸಂಭ್ರಮ ಮತ್ತು ಸೂತಕದ ನೆರಳು. Prajavani.
A., Narayana (2016) ಪೊಲೀಸರನ್ನು ಮನುಷ್ಯರನ್ನಾಗಿಸುವ ಕಷ್ಟಗಳು. Prajavani.
A., Narayana (2016) ಕೂಗುಮಾರಿ ಮಾದರಿಗೆ ಪ್ರಧಾನಮಂತ್ರಿ ಮಣೆ. Prajavani.
A., Narayana (2016) ರಾಜ್ಯಕ್ಕೆ ನಾಯಕರ ನೀಡಯ್ಯಾ ತಂದೆ... Prajavani.
A., Narayana (2016) ಮುಕ್ತಿ ಬೇಕಿರುವುದು ಕಾಂಗ್ರೆಸ್ಸಿನಿಂದ ಮಾತ್ರವಲ್ಲ. Prajavani.
Azim Premji Foundation, (APF)
Azim Premji Foundation, (APF) (2016) ಗುಣಮಟ್ಟದ ಶಿಕ್ಷಣಕ್ಕಾಗಿ ಶಾಲೆ ಮತ್ತು ಸಮುದಾಯ : ಕರ್ನಾಟಕದ ೪ ಕ್ಲಸ್ಟರ್ಗಳಲ್ಲಿ ನಡೆಸಿದ 'ನಮ್ಮ ಶಾಲೆ' ಕ್ರಿಯಾ ಸಂಶೋಧನೆಯ ಸಮಗ್ರ ಜ್ಞಾನ ದಾಖಲೆ ೨೦೦೭ - ೨೦೧೦ = Gunamattad shikshanakkagi shale mattu samuday : Karnatakad 4 clustergalli nadesida 'namma shale' kriya samshodaneya samagra jnaan dakhale 2007 - 2010. Azim Premji Foundation, Bengaluru.
Azim Premji Foundation, (APF) (2016) School community connect for quality education : a comprehensive knowledge base of Namma Shale, an action research in 4 clusters of Karnataka 2007 - 2010. Azim Premji Foundation, Bengaluru.
Bang, Alok
Bang, Alok and Gadagkar, R. (2016) Winner–loser effects in a eusocial wasp. [Publications (Pre-joining)]
Bang, Alok (2016) The winner takes it all, the loser standing small! [Publications (Pre-joining)]
Barna, Stefi
Purushothaman, Seema and Ravi, Chitra and Nagendra, Harini and Mathai, Manu and Mundoli, Seema and Joseph, Gladwin and Barna, Stefi and Nawn, Nandan and Gopalan, Radha and Bursztyn, Marcel and Padmanabhan, Martina and Duncan, Sally and DeFries, Ruth S (2016) Sustainability in higher education for the global south: A conversation across geographies and disciplines. Discussion Paper. Azim Premji University.
Purushothaman, Seema and Ravi, Chitra and Nagendra, Harini and Mathai, Manu and Mundoli, Seema and Joseph, Gladwin and Barna, Stefi (2016) Sustainability in higher education for the global south a conversation across geographies and disciplines. Policy brief/note. Sustentabilidade em Debate, Brasilia.
Behari, Alka
Saxena, Astha and Behari, Alka (2016) Negotiating ethical issues in Biology: three case studies. [Publications (Pre-joining)]
Bhattacharya, Debraj
Bhattacharya, Debraj (2016) Exploring Marxist Bengal c.1971-2011 Memory, History and Irony. [Publications (Pre-joining)]
Bhor, Nilanjan
Seshadri, Shreelata Rao and Parab, Suraj and Bhor, Nilanjan and N., Latha (2016) What we ate then and what we eat now : a grandmother’s tale. Working Paper. Azim Premji University, Bengaluru.
Bursztyn, Marcel
Purushothaman, Seema and Ravi, Chitra and Nagendra, Harini and Mathai, Manu and Mundoli, Seema and Joseph, Gladwin and Barna, Stefi and Nawn, Nandan and Gopalan, Radha and Bursztyn, Marcel and Padmanabhan, Martina and Duncan, Sally and DeFries, Ruth S (2016) Sustainability in higher education for the global south: A conversation across geographies and disciplines. Discussion Paper. Azim Premji University.
DeFries, Ruth S
Purushothaman, Seema and Ravi, Chitra and Nagendra, Harini and Mathai, Manu and Mundoli, Seema and Joseph, Gladwin and Barna, Stefi and Nawn, Nandan and Gopalan, Radha and Bursztyn, Marcel and Padmanabhan, Martina and Duncan, Sally and DeFries, Ruth S (2016) Sustainability in higher education for the global south: A conversation across geographies and disciplines. Discussion Paper. Azim Premji University.
Duncan, Sally
Purushothaman, Seema and Ravi, Chitra and Nagendra, Harini and Mathai, Manu and Mundoli, Seema and Joseph, Gladwin and Barna, Stefi and Nawn, Nandan and Gopalan, Radha and Bursztyn, Marcel and Padmanabhan, Martina and Duncan, Sally and DeFries, Ruth S (2016) Sustainability in higher education for the global south: A conversation across geographies and disciplines. Discussion Paper. Azim Premji University.
Gadagkar, R.
Bang, Alok and Gadagkar, R. (2016) Winner–loser effects in a eusocial wasp. [Publications (Pre-joining)]
Gandhi, Mohit
Pathak, Rajeev R and Mishra, Bal Krishna and Moonan, Patrick K. and Nair, Sreenivas and Kumar, Ajay M. V. and Gandhi, Mohit and Mannan, Shamim and Ghosh, Smita (2016) Can Intensified Tuberculosis Case Finding Efforts at Nutrition Rehabilitation Centers Lead to Pediatric Case Detection in Bihar, India? [Publications (Pre-joining)]
Gauvreau, C.
Seshadri, Shreelata Rao and Jha, P. and Sati, P. and Gauvreau, C. and Ram, U. and Laxminarayan, R. (2016) Karnataka's roadmap to improved health: cost effective solutions to address priority diseases, reduce poverty and increase economic growth. Policy brief/note. Centre for Global Health Research, Bangalore.
Ghose, Ruchi
Ghose, Ruchi and Jain, Vinod (2016) स्वैच्छिक शिक्षक मंचो का आरम्भ और उनकी निरंतरता, टोंक, राजस्थान का अनुभव. Manual. Azim Premji University.
Ghose, Ruchi and Jain, Vinod (2016) Starting and sustaining voluntary teacher forums experience from Tonk, Rajasthan. Manual. Azim Premji University.
Ghosh, Smita
Pathak, Rajeev R and Mishra, Bal Krishna and Moonan, Patrick K. and Nair, Sreenivas and Kumar, Ajay M. V. and Gandhi, Mohit and Mannan, Shamim and Ghosh, Smita (2016) Can Intensified Tuberculosis Case Finding Efforts at Nutrition Rehabilitation Centers Lead to Pediatric Case Detection in Bihar, India? [Publications (Pre-joining)]
Giridhar, S.
Giridhar, S. and Raghunath, V.J. (2016) From Mumbai to Durban : India's greatest tests. Juggernaut Books, New Delhi. ISBN 9789386228079
Gopalan, Radha
Purushothaman, Seema and Ravi, Chitra and Nagendra, Harini and Mathai, Manu and Mundoli, Seema and Joseph, Gladwin and Barna, Stefi and Nawn, Nandan and Gopalan, Radha and Bursztyn, Marcel and Padmanabhan, Martina and Duncan, Sally and DeFries, Ruth S (2016) Sustainability in higher education for the global south: A conversation across geographies and disciplines. Discussion Paper. Azim Premji University.
Gowda, Chandan
Gowda, Chandan (2016) Bara. Oxford University Press, New Delhi. ISBN 9780199469406
Gowda, Chandan (2016) Theatres of democracy : between the epic and the everyday : selected essays. HarperCollinsPublishers India Ltd, Noida. ISBN 9789351775621
Gundimeda, Sambaiah
Gundimeda, Sambaiah (2016) Dalit politics in contemporary India. Routledge, New Delhi. ISBN 9781138653467
Jain, Vinod
Ghose, Ruchi and Jain, Vinod (2016) स्वैच्छिक शिक्षक मंचो का आरम्भ और उनकी निरंतरता, टोंक, राजस्थान का अनुभव. Manual. Azim Premji University.
Ghose, Ruchi and Jain, Vinod (2016) Starting and sustaining voluntary teacher forums experience from Tonk, Rajasthan. Manual. Azim Premji University.
Jha, P.
Seshadri, Shreelata Rao and Jha, P. and Sati, P. and Gauvreau, C. and Ram, U. and Laxminarayan, R. (2016) Karnataka's roadmap to improved health: cost effective solutions to address priority diseases, reduce poverty and increase economic growth. Policy brief/note. Centre for Global Health Research, Bangalore.
Joseph, Gladwin
Purushothaman, Seema and Ravi, Chitra and Nagendra, Harini and Mathai, Manu and Mundoli, Seema and Joseph, Gladwin and Barna, Stefi and Nawn, Nandan and Gopalan, Radha and Bursztyn, Marcel and Padmanabhan, Martina and Duncan, Sally and DeFries, Ruth S (2016) Sustainability in higher education for the global south: A conversation across geographies and disciplines. Discussion Paper. Azim Premji University.
Purushothaman, Seema and Ravi, Chitra and Nagendra, Harini and Mathai, Manu and Mundoli, Seema and Joseph, Gladwin and Barna, Stefi (2016) Sustainability in higher education for the global south a conversation across geographies and disciplines. Policy brief/note. Sustentabilidade em Debate, Brasilia.
Kumar, Ajay M. V.
Pathak, Rajeev R and Mishra, Bal Krishna and Moonan, Patrick K. and Nair, Sreenivas and Kumar, Ajay M. V. and Gandhi, Mohit and Mannan, Shamim and Ghosh, Smita (2016) Can Intensified Tuberculosis Case Finding Efforts at Nutrition Rehabilitation Centers Lead to Pediatric Case Detection in Bihar, India? [Publications (Pre-joining)]
Laxminarayan, R.
Seshadri, Shreelata Rao and Jha, P. and Sati, P. and Gauvreau, C. and Ram, U. and Laxminarayan, R. (2016) Karnataka's roadmap to improved health: cost effective solutions to address priority diseases, reduce poverty and increase economic growth. Policy brief/note. Centre for Global Health Research, Bangalore.
Lodha, Siddhartha
Purushothaman, Seema and Patil, Sheetal and Lodha, Siddhartha (2016) Social and environmental transformation in the Indian peri-urban interface – emerging questions. Working Paper. Azim Premji University, Bengaluru.
Mannan, Shamim
Pathak, Rajeev R and Mishra, Bal Krishna and Moonan, Patrick K. and Nair, Sreenivas and Kumar, Ajay M. V. and Gandhi, Mohit and Mannan, Shamim and Ghosh, Smita (2016) Can Intensified Tuberculosis Case Finding Efforts at Nutrition Rehabilitation Centers Lead to Pediatric Case Detection in Bihar, India? [Publications (Pre-joining)]
Mathai, Manu
Purushothaman, Seema and Ravi, Chitra and Nagendra, Harini and Mathai, Manu and Mundoli, Seema and Joseph, Gladwin and Barna, Stefi and Nawn, Nandan and Gopalan, Radha and Bursztyn, Marcel and Padmanabhan, Martina and Duncan, Sally and DeFries, Ruth S (2016) Sustainability in higher education for the global south: A conversation across geographies and disciplines. Discussion Paper. Azim Premji University.
Purushothaman, Seema and Ravi, Chitra and Nagendra, Harini and Mathai, Manu and Mundoli, Seema and Joseph, Gladwin and Barna, Stefi (2016) Sustainability in higher education for the global south a conversation across geographies and disciplines. Policy brief/note. Sustentabilidade em Debate, Brasilia.
Mehta, Shefali Tripathi
Mehta, Shefali Tripathi (2016) So subterranean. [Publications (Pre-joining)]
Mehta, Shefali Tripathi (2016) Holding our tongues. [Publications (Pre-joining)]
Mehta, Shefali Tripathi (2016) For love of country. [Publications (Pre-joining)]
Mehta, Shefali Tripathi (2016) I want to break free. [Publications (Pre-joining)]
Mishra, Bal Krishna
Pathak, Rajeev R and Mishra, Bal Krishna and Moonan, Patrick K. and Nair, Sreenivas and Kumar, Ajay M. V. and Gandhi, Mohit and Mannan, Shamim and Ghosh, Smita (2016) Can Intensified Tuberculosis Case Finding Efforts at Nutrition Rehabilitation Centers Lead to Pediatric Case Detection in Bihar, India? [Publications (Pre-joining)]
Moonan, Patrick K.
Pathak, Rajeev R and Mishra, Bal Krishna and Moonan, Patrick K. and Nair, Sreenivas and Kumar, Ajay M. V. and Gandhi, Mohit and Mannan, Shamim and Ghosh, Smita (2016) Can Intensified Tuberculosis Case Finding Efforts at Nutrition Rehabilitation Centers Lead to Pediatric Case Detection in Bihar, India? [Publications (Pre-joining)]
Mundoli, Seema
Purushothaman, Seema and Ravi, Chitra and Nagendra, Harini and Mathai, Manu and Mundoli, Seema and Joseph, Gladwin and Barna, Stefi and Nawn, Nandan and Gopalan, Radha and Bursztyn, Marcel and Padmanabhan, Martina and Duncan, Sally and DeFries, Ruth S (2016) Sustainability in higher education for the global south: A conversation across geographies and disciplines. Discussion Paper. Azim Premji University.
Purushothaman, Seema and Ravi, Chitra and Nagendra, Harini and Mathai, Manu and Mundoli, Seema and Joseph, Gladwin and Barna, Stefi (2016) Sustainability in higher education for the global south a conversation across geographies and disciplines. Policy brief/note. Sustentabilidade em Debate, Brasilia.
N., Latha
Seshadri, Shreelata Rao and Parab, Suraj and Bhor, Nilanjan and N., Latha (2016) What we ate then and what we eat now : a grandmother’s tale. Working Paper. Azim Premji University, Bengaluru.
Nagendra, Harini
Nagendra, Harini (2016) Nature in the city : Bengaluru in the past, present, and future. Oxford University Press, New Delhi. ISBN 9780199465927
Purushothaman, Seema and Ravi, Chitra and Nagendra, Harini and Mathai, Manu and Mundoli, Seema and Joseph, Gladwin and Barna, Stefi and Nawn, Nandan and Gopalan, Radha and Bursztyn, Marcel and Padmanabhan, Martina and Duncan, Sally and DeFries, Ruth S (2016) Sustainability in higher education for the global south: A conversation across geographies and disciplines. Discussion Paper. Azim Premji University.
Purushothaman, Seema and Ravi, Chitra and Nagendra, Harini and Mathai, Manu and Mundoli, Seema and Joseph, Gladwin and Barna, Stefi (2016) Sustainability in higher education for the global south a conversation across geographies and disciplines. Policy brief/note. Sustentabilidade em Debate, Brasilia.
Nair, Sreenivas
Pathak, Rajeev R and Mishra, Bal Krishna and Moonan, Patrick K. and Nair, Sreenivas and Kumar, Ajay M. V. and Gandhi, Mohit and Mannan, Shamim and Ghosh, Smita (2016) Can Intensified Tuberculosis Case Finding Efforts at Nutrition Rehabilitation Centers Lead to Pediatric Case Detection in Bihar, India? [Publications (Pre-joining)]
Narayanan, Rajendran
Narayanan, Rajendran (2016) In Defence of Activism in Universities. The Wire.
Narayanan, Rajendran (2016) No Guarantee In Mahabubnagar. The Indian Express.
Nawn, Nandan
Purushothaman, Seema and Ravi, Chitra and Nagendra, Harini and Mathai, Manu and Mundoli, Seema and Joseph, Gladwin and Barna, Stefi and Nawn, Nandan and Gopalan, Radha and Bursztyn, Marcel and Padmanabhan, Martina and Duncan, Sally and DeFries, Ruth S (2016) Sustainability in higher education for the global south: A conversation across geographies and disciplines. Discussion Paper. Azim Premji University.
P., Neethi
P., Neethi (2016) Globalization lived locally : a labour geography perspective. Oxford University Press, New Delhi. ISBN 9780199463626
Padmanabhan, Martina
Purushothaman, Seema and Ravi, Chitra and Nagendra, Harini and Mathai, Manu and Mundoli, Seema and Joseph, Gladwin and Barna, Stefi and Nawn, Nandan and Gopalan, Radha and Bursztyn, Marcel and Padmanabhan, Martina and Duncan, Sally and DeFries, Ruth S (2016) Sustainability in higher education for the global south: A conversation across geographies and disciplines. Discussion Paper. Azim Premji University.
Parab, Suraj
Seshadri, Shreelata Rao and Parab, Suraj and Bhor, Nilanjan and N., Latha (2016) What we ate then and what we eat now : a grandmother’s tale. Working Paper. Azim Premji University, Bengaluru.
Pathak, Rajeev R
Pathak, Rajeev R and Mishra, Bal Krishna and Moonan, Patrick K. and Nair, Sreenivas and Kumar, Ajay M. V. and Gandhi, Mohit and Mannan, Shamim and Ghosh, Smita (2016) Can Intensified Tuberculosis Case Finding Efforts at Nutrition Rehabilitation Centers Lead to Pediatric Case Detection in Bihar, India? [Publications (Pre-joining)]
Patil, Sheetal
Purushothaman, Seema and Patil, Sheetal and Lodha, Siddhartha (2016) Social and environmental transformation in the Indian peri-urban interface – emerging questions. Working Paper. Azim Premji University, Bengaluru.
Periodi, Umashanker
Periodi, Umashanker (2016) ಬರಿಗಾಲು ಸಂಶೋಧನೆ : ಶೈಕ್ಷಣಿಕ ಕಿರು ಅಧ್ಯಯನ ವರದಿಗಳ ಸಂಕಲನ ೨೦೧೫ = Barigaalu samshodane : shaikshanik kiru adhyayan varadigala sankalan 2015. Azim Premji Foundation, Bengaluru.
Purushothaman, Seema
Purushothaman, Seema and Patil, Sheetal and Lodha, Siddhartha (2016) Social and environmental transformation in the Indian peri-urban interface – emerging questions. Working Paper. Azim Premji University, Bengaluru.
Purushothaman, Seema and Ravi, Chitra and Nagendra, Harini and Mathai, Manu and Mundoli, Seema and Joseph, Gladwin and Barna, Stefi and Nawn, Nandan and Gopalan, Radha and Bursztyn, Marcel and Padmanabhan, Martina and Duncan, Sally and DeFries, Ruth S (2016) Sustainability in higher education for the global south: A conversation across geographies and disciplines. Discussion Paper. Azim Premji University.
Purushothaman, Seema and Ravi, Chitra and Nagendra, Harini and Mathai, Manu and Mundoli, Seema and Joseph, Gladwin and Barna, Stefi (2016) Sustainability in higher education for the global south a conversation across geographies and disciplines. Policy brief/note. Sustentabilidade em Debate, Brasilia.
Raghunath, V.J.
Giridhar, S. and Raghunath, V.J. (2016) From Mumbai to Durban : India's greatest tests. Juggernaut Books, New Delhi. ISBN 9789386228079
Ram, U.
Seshadri, Shreelata Rao and Jha, P. and Sati, P. and Gauvreau, C. and Ram, U. and Laxminarayan, R. (2016) Karnataka's roadmap to improved health: cost effective solutions to address priority diseases, reduce poverty and increase economic growth. Policy brief/note. Centre for Global Health Research, Bangalore.
Ravi, Chitra
Purushothaman, Seema and Ravi, Chitra and Nagendra, Harini and Mathai, Manu and Mundoli, Seema and Joseph, Gladwin and Barna, Stefi and Nawn, Nandan and Gopalan, Radha and Bursztyn, Marcel and Padmanabhan, Martina and Duncan, Sally and DeFries, Ruth S (2016) Sustainability in higher education for the global south: A conversation across geographies and disciplines. Discussion Paper. Azim Premji University.
Purushothaman, Seema and Ravi, Chitra and Nagendra, Harini and Mathai, Manu and Mundoli, Seema and Joseph, Gladwin and Barna, Stefi (2016) Sustainability in higher education for the global south a conversation across geographies and disciplines. Policy brief/note. Sustentabilidade em Debate, Brasilia.
Santhakumar, V.
Santhakumar, V. (2016) An intervention into the debates on ‘work-in-education’ and skill development in India. Working Paper. Azim Premji University, Bengaluru.
Sati, P.
Seshadri, Shreelata Rao and Jha, P. and Sati, P. and Gauvreau, C. and Ram, U. and Laxminarayan, R. (2016) Karnataka's roadmap to improved health: cost effective solutions to address priority diseases, reduce poverty and increase economic growth. Policy brief/note. Centre for Global Health Research, Bangalore.
Saxena, Astha
Saxena, Astha and Behari, Alka (2016) Negotiating ethical issues in Biology: three case studies. [Publications (Pre-joining)]
Seshadri, Shreelata Rao
Seshadri, Shreelata Rao and Jha, P. and Sati, P. and Gauvreau, C. and Ram, U. and Laxminarayan, R. (2016) Karnataka's roadmap to improved health: cost effective solutions to address priority diseases, reduce poverty and increase economic growth. Policy brief/note. Centre for Global Health Research, Bangalore.
Seshadri, Shreelata Rao and Parab, Suraj and Bhor, Nilanjan and N., Latha (2016) What we ate then and what we eat now : a grandmother’s tale. Working Paper. Azim Premji University, Bengaluru.
Sinha, Ajit
Sinha, Ajit (2016) A revolution in economic theory : the economics of Piero Sraffa. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham. ISBN 9783319306155
Sircar, Ashok
Sircar, Ashok (2016) Women’s right to agricultural land : removing legal barriers for achieving gender equality. Policy brief/note. Oxfam, New Delhi.
Thangaraj, Miriam
Thangaraj, Miriam (2016) Considering children’s economic agency: Work and school decisions in Kanchipuram, India. [Publications (Pre-joining)]