Browse by Periodicals
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Purushothaman, Seema and Patil, Sheetal (2019) Agrarian change and urbanization in Southern India. Springer, Singapore. ISBN 9789811083358
Bang, Alok (2019) Antecedents of behavioural and reproductive dominance in pairs of the primitively eusocial wasp Ropalidia marginata. [Publications (Pre-joining)]
Roy, Kaustuv (2019) Being in antiquity. In: Education and the ontological question : addressing a missing dimension. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, pp. 25-80. ISBN 9783030111779
Roy, Kaustuv (2019) Being in practice. In: Education and the ontological question : addressing a missing dimension. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, pp. 125-169. ISBN 9783030111779
Roy, Kaustuv (2019) Being in the present age. In: Education and the ontological question : addressing a missing dimension. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, pp. 81-124. ISBN 9783030111779
Roy, Kaustuv (2019) Creative being. In: Education and the ontological question : addressing a missing dimension. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, pp. 189-211. ISBN 9783030111779
Bose, Mampi (2019) Determinants of choice of care providers during childbirth in rural West Bengal, India. [Publications (Pre-joining)]
Roy, Kaustuv (2019) Education and the ontological question : addressing a missing dimension. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham. ISBN 9783030111779
Roy, Kaustuv (2019) Epilogue. In: Education and the ontological question : addressing a missing dimension. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, pp. 213-223. ISBN 9783030111779
Sinha, Ajit (2019) Essays on theories of value in the classical tradition. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham. ISBN 9783030023201
Saxena, Astha (2019) Ethics in Science Pedagogic Issues and Concerns. [Publications (Pre-joining)]
Roy, Kaustuv (2019) Introduction : education and ontological amnesia. In: Education and the ontological question : addressing a missing dimension. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, pp. 1-24. ISBN 9783030111779
Roy, Kaustuv (2019) Language of being. In: Education and the ontological question : addressing a missing dimension. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, pp. 171-188. ISBN 9783030111779
Jacob, Suraj (2019) Party types and electoral performance across states, 1980–2016. In: How India votes : a state-by-state looks. Orient BlackSwan, Hyderabad, pp. 95-121. ISBN 9789352874613
Sinha, Ajit and Thomas, Alex M., eds. (2019) Pluralistic economics and its history. Routledge, India, New Delhi. ISBN 9780367232351
Roy, Kaustuv (2019) Teachers and teaching : time and the creative tension. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham. ISBN 9783030246693
dfsdfs, ddfs (2019) dsfsdf. Technical Report. jdfhksdajdh.
Thomas, Alex M. (2019) The fact/fiction of Indian agriculture. Foundation for Agrarian Studies, Bengaluru.
January 2019
Azim Premji Foundation, (APF) (2019) Educational expectations, aspirations and structural constraints: Field studies in education. Manual. Azim Premji University.
Azim Premji University, (APU) (2019) Is education a level playing field? : engagement in non-school work and availability of out-of-school learning support. Technical Report. Azim Premji University, Bengaluru.
Azim Premji Foundation, (APF) (2019) Is education a level playing field? engagement in non-school work and availability of out-of-school learning support. Manual. Azim Premji University.
Mehrotra, Santosh and Sinha, Sharmistha (2019) Towards Higher Female Work Partcipaton in India: what can be done? Working Paper. Azim Premji University, Bengaluru.
Mehrotra, Santosh and Sinha, Sharmistha (2019) Towards higher female work participation in India: what can be done? Working Paper. Azim Premji University, Bengaluru.
Dewan, Sabina and Prakash, Divya (2019) The evolving discourse on job quality from normative frameworks to measurement indicators: the Indian example: the Indian example. Working Paper. Azim Premji University, Bengaluru.
1 January 2019
Basole, Amit (2019) Unprecedented drop in job creation cause for worry. Deccan Chronicle.
5 January 2019
Nagendra, Harini (2019) A National Urban Employment Scheme for India. Deccan Herald.
12 January 2019
Nagendra, Harini (2019) Throwing my garbage into your home. Deccan Herald.
24 January 2019
Datta, Sankar (2019) Producer collectives: what are we missing out? In: Transition strategies for sustainable community systems. The Anthropocene: Politik—Economics—Society—Science (26). Springer, Cham, pp. 271-288. ISBN 9783030003555
28 January 2019
Bose, Mampi and Nilachala, Acharya (2019) Why India's public health facilities may suffer despite a likely rise in health spending. [Publications (Pre-joining)]
29 January 2019
Ghate, Rucha and Nagendra, Harini (2019) Building institutional foundations for community forest management. Centre for Science and Environment, New Delhi.
30 January 2019
Abraham, Rosa and Shibu, Janaki and Narayanan, Rajendran (2019) Where has all the jobs data gone? Business Standard.
31 January 2019
A., Narayana (2019) ವಂಶರಾಜಕಾರಣ ಈಗ ಸವಕಲು ವಾದ. Prajavani.
February 2019
Priya, Ritu and Gaitonde, Rakha and Gandhi, Mohit and Sarkar, Amitabha and Das, Sayan and Ghodajkar, Prachinkumar (2019) The Alma Ata Declaration and Elements for a PHC 2.0. [Publications (Pre-joining)]
8 February 2019
Thangaraj, Miriam (2019) Commodification in multiple registers: Child workers, child consumers, and child labor NGOs in India. [Publications (Pre-joining)]
18 February 2019
A., Narayana (2019) ಇದ್ದದ್ದನ್ನೂ ಕೆಡಿಸಿದ ಮದ್ದಿನ ಕತೆ. Prajavani.
22 February 2019
Malhotra, Arjun (2019) Community governance of urban wetlands. In: City and the Region: IIHS Annual Research Conference Proceedings, 22-02-2019, Bengaluru.
Patil, Sheetal and Purushothaman, Seema and Vanjari, Raghvendra S. and B., Dhanya and A. R., Shwetha (2019) Small farms around Bangalore : growing money at the cost of food and environment. In: City and the Region: IIHS Annual Research Conference Proceedings, 22-02-2019, Bengaluru.
11 March 2019
Nagendra, Harini (2019) Bumbling along in the smog. Deccan Herald.
19 March 2019
A., Narayana (2019) ಚುನಾವಣೆಯ ಕಾಲದ ರಾಜಕೀಯ ನಿರ್ವಾತ. Prajavani.
Idiculla, Mathew and Narayanan, Rajendran and Basole, Amit (2019) The shape of an urban employment guarantee. The Hindu.
30 March 2019
Narayanan, Rajendran and Basole, Amit and Idiculla, Mathew (2019) Guaranteeing urban jobs. Business Standard.
31 March 2019
Bosale, Amit and Narayanan, Rajendran (2019) By Invitation: Focus on the small towns and it will be boomtown India! Deccan Chronicle.
April 2019
Basole, Amit (2019) State of working India 2019. [Report]
Oommen, Meera and Cooney, Rosie and Ramesh, Madhuri and Archer, Michael and Brockington, Daniel and Buscher, Bram and Fletcher, Robert and Natusch, Daniel and Vanak, Abi and Webb, Grahame and Shanker, Kartik (2019) The fatal flaws of compassionate conservation.
4 April 2019
Narayanan, Rajendran (2019) The politics of information. The Indian Express.
9 April 2019
A., Narayana (2019) 2019ರಲ್ಲಿ ಬಿಜೆಪಿಯ ವೈರಿ ‘2014’. Prajavani.
11 April 2019
Menon, Shailaja and Kutty, Sajitha S. and Apte, Neela and Basargekar, Abha and Krishnam, Ramchandar (2019) Powerful reforms in early language and literacy instruction in India. In: Improving Early Literacy Outcomes : Curriculum, Teaching, and Assessment. IBE on Curriculum, Learning, and Assessment (4). Brill, Leiden. ISBN 9789004402331
27 April 2019
Banerjee, Rakhi and Seshaiyer, Padmanabhan (2019) Challenges in school mathematics curriculum reform in India: transforming teacher practices through pedagogical innovations. In: School mathematics curricula. Mathematics education – an Asian perspective . Springer, Singapore, pp. 227-237. ISBN 9789811363122
May 2019
Nagendra, Harini and Mundoli, Seema (2019) Cities and canopies : trees in Indian cities. Penguin India, Gurugram. ISBN 9780670091218
Madan, Amman (2019) Education and modernity : some sociological perspectives. Eklavya, Bhopal. ISBN 9789385236884
Abraham, Rosa and Shrivastava, Anand (2019) How Comparable Are India's Labour Market Surveys? A comparison of NSS, Labour Bureau and CMIE Estmates. Working Paper. Azim Premji University, Bengaluru.
20 May 2019
Bose, Mampi (2019) Financing war: who pays and who benefits? [Publications (Pre-joining)]
21 May 2019
A., Narayana (2019) ಚುನಾವಣೆ ಸಾರಿದ ಚಾರಿತ್ರ್ಯದ ಕಥೆ. Prajavani.
23 May 2019
Jayadev, Arjun and Reddy, Sanjay G. (2019) Inequalities and identities. In: Deprivation, inequality and polarization : essays in honour of Satya Ranjan Chakravarty. Economic Studies in Inequality, Social Exclusion and Well-Being . Springer, Singapore, pp. 109-145. ISBN 9789811379437
8 June 2019
Nagendra, Harini (2019) Throw open the parks. Deccan Herald.
17 June 2019
A., Narayana (2019) ವೈದ್ಯರ ಮೇಲೆ ಹಲ್ಲೆ ಎಂಬ ರೋಗಲಕ್ಷಣ. Prajavani.
18 June 2019
Nagendra, Harini (2019) We forgot the basics. Mint.
27 June 2019
Bose, Mampi (2019) Bengal's healthcare has become dysfunctional. Here's how we can fix it. [Publications (Pre-joining)]
July 2019
Roy, Kaustuv (2019) Beyond chronic pedagogy : a conversation. In: Teachers and teaching : time and the creative tension. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, pp. 107-129. ISBN 9783030246693
Bhattacharjee, Malini (2019) Disaster relief and the RSS : resurrecting 'religion' through humanitarianism. SAGE, New Delhi. ISBN 9789353285517
Roy, Kaustuv (2019) Freeing time : a propositional calculus. In: Teachers and teaching : time and the creative tension. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, pp. 131-157. ISBN 9783030246693
Mehrotra, Santosh (2019) Inequalites in the Gendered Labour Market: What can be done? Working Paper. Azim Premji University, Bengaluru.
Roy, Kaustuv (2019) Teacher, time, and biographical praxis. In: Teachers and teaching : time and the creative tension. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, pp. 159-186. ISBN 9783030246693
Roy, Kaustuv (2019) Time and intuition. In: Teachers and teaching : time and the creative tension. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, pp. 79-105. ISBN 9783030246693
Roy, Kaustuv (2019) Time and the creative tension. In: Teachers and teaching : time and the creative tension. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, pp. 187-203. ISBN 9783030246693
Roy, Kaustuv (2019) The aroma of Time : an introduction. In: Teachers and teaching : time and the creative tension. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, pp. 1-51. ISBN 9783030246693
Roy, Kaustuv (2019) A vocabulary of time. In: Teachers and teaching : time and the creative tension. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, pp. 53-78. ISBN 9783030246693
1 July 2019
Thomas, Alex M. and Nallur, Varun (2019) Education cess and its neglect of education. Centre for Budget and Policy Studies.
16 July 2019
A., Narayana (2019) ಅನ್ನ ಹಳಸಿತ್ತು, ನಾಯಿ ಹಸಿದಿತ್ತು. Prajavani.
26 July 2019
A., Narayana (2019) ಕೊನೆಯಾದೀತೆ ರಾಜಕೀಯ ಅಸ್ಥಿರತೆ? Prajavani.
9 August 2019
Nagendra, Harini (2019) Follow the children. Deccan Herald.
September 2019
Muthu, Madhan and Cheng, Ricky (2019) Directory of open educational resources (DOER) : a discovery service framework to provide structured access to OERs. In: Pan-Commonwealth Forum, 9-12 September 2019, Edinburgh, Scotland..
Jain, Chandan and Lahoti, Rahul and Sahoo, Soham (2019) Do educated leaders affect economic growth? evidence from India. Technical Report. UNSPECIFIED.
Kumar, Vikas (2019) The Limitations of India's Census Legislation. Working Paper. Azim Premji University, Bengaluru.
Mishra, Arima, ed. (2019) Local health traditions : plurality and marginality in South Asia. Orient BlackSwan, Hyderabad. ISBN 9789352876617
Kumar, Vikas (2019) The limitations of India’s census legislation. Working Paper. Azim Premji University, Bengaluru.
13 September 2019
B. S., Rishikesh and Chomal, Aanchal (2019) Karnataka’s creative approach to demand for Eng medium. Deccan Herald.
17 September 2019
A., Narayana (2019) 70 ವರ್ಷಗಳಲ್ಲಿ ಆಗದ್ದೆಲ್ಲಾ ಆಗುತ್ತಿದೆ! Prajavani.
29 September 2019
Sinha, Ajit (2019) Marx’s metaphysics of human labour in the light of Sraffa : labour theory of value reconsidered. In: Karl Marx’s life, ideas, and influences. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, pp. 289-317. ISBN 978-3030248147
30 September 2019
Bhattacharjee, Malini (2019) Hindutva as a ‘sacred form’ : a case study of Karnataka. In: Politics and religion in India. Routledge. ISBN 9780367337872
October 2019
Mehrotra, Santosh and Parida, Jajati K. (2019) India’s Employment Crisis: Rising Educaton Levels and Falling Non-agricultural Job Growth. Working Paper. Azim Premji University, Bengaluru.
Mehrotra, Santosh and Parida, Jajati K. (2019) India’s employment crisis: rising education levels and falling non-agricultural job growth. Working Paper. Azim Premji University, Bengaluru.
Basole, Amit and Chandy, Vidya (2019) Microenterprises in India : a multidimensional analysis. [Report]
Rosenberg, Gerald N. and Krishnaswamy, Sudhir and Bail, Shishir (2019) A qualified hope : the Indian Supreme Court and progressive social change. Comparative Constitutional Law and Policy . Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. ISBN 9781108474504
2 October 2019
A., Narayana (2019) ಮಹಾತ್ಮನೊಂದಿಗೆ ನಮ್ಮದು ಎಂಥ ಸಂಬಂಧ? Prajavani.
5 October 2019
Rajan, Vijitha (2019) Gowramma’s Ghost and Bengaluru’s ‘Zero’ Out-of-school Children. [Publications (Pre-joining)]
15 October 2019
Mehendale, Archana and Mukhopadhyay, Rahul (2019) School system and education policy in India : charting the contours. In: Handbook of education systems in South Asia. Global Education Systems . Springer, Singapore, pp. 1-35. ISBN 9789811333095
November 2019
Roy, M. N. and Ghosh, Dilip and Bhattacharya, Debraj (2019) Gram Panchayats Development Plans in Maharashtra A Situational Analysis. [Publications (Pre-joining)]
Aggarwal, Raavi (2019) Industrial Policies in India: Did They Work? Working Paper. Azim Premji University, Bengaluru.
Seshadri, Shreelata Rao and Kothai, Krishna (2019) Political and programmatic decentralization in India's health sector : insights from Karnataka. Working Paper. Azim Premji University, Bengaluru.
25 November 2019
Ananthamurthy, U. R. and Gowda, Chandan (2019) A life in the world : U. R. Ananthamurthy in conversation with Chandan Gowda. HarperCollins Publishers India Ltd., Noida. ISBN 9789352776221
26 November 2019
A., Narayana (2019) ಉಪಚುನಾವಣೆ: ಅಕ್ರಮವನ್ನು ಸಕ್ರಮಗೊಳಿಸುವ ಚಿತಾವಣೆ. Prajavani.
December 2019
Bahal, Girish and Shrivastava, Anand (2019) Fiscal Transfers and Inflaton: Evidence from India. Working Paper. Azim Premji University,, Bengaluru.
Huded, Sidlingappa M. (2019) Public libraries vs. rental libraries: takeaways from commercial libraries. In: Festschrift in honour of Prof. Muttayya Koganuramath : trends, challanges and opportunities for LIS education and practice. Shree Publishers, New Delhi.
Mehrotra, Santosh and Giri, Tuhinsubhra (2019) The Size Structure of India's Enterprises: Not Just the Middle is Missing. Working Paper. Azim Premji University, Bengaluru.
8 December 2019
Nagendra, Harini (2019) Whose city is it? Deccan Herald.
9 December 2019
A., Narayana (2019) ಹೈದರಾಬಾದ್ ಎನ್ಕೌಂಟರ್ | ಇದ್ಯಾವ ಸೀಮೆ ಹೀರೊಯಿಸಂ? Prajavani.
S., Giridhar (2019) Ordinary people, extraordinary teachers : the heroes of real India. Westland Publications Pvt. Ltd., Chennai. ISBN 9789388754859
26 December 2019
Mugannavar, Gurusiddesh and Huded, Sidlingappa M. and Balutagi, Suresh (2019) Contribution of BIMSTEC countries to the directory of open access journals (DOAJ) : a study. In: International Conference on Digital Technologies and Transformation in Academic Libraries, 26-28 December 2019, NITK Surathkal.
28 December 2019
Huded, Sidlingappa M. and Balutagi, Suresh and Ranjan, Aditya (2019) Mapping of literature on data mining by j-gate database. In: International Conference on Digital Technologies and Transformation in Academic Libraries,, 26-28 December 2019, NITK Surathkal.
Ranjan, Aditya and Balutagi, Suresh and Huded, Sidlingappa M. and B., Subhash Reddy (2019) A bibliometric analysis of open knowledge resources : a study. In: International Conference on Digital Technologies and Transformation in Academic Libraries, 26-28 December 2019, NITK Surathkal.
29 December 2019
Nagendra, Harini (2019) It’s 2020, we have not a minute to waste! Deccan Herald.