(Un)learning economics

Thomas, Alex M. (2016) (Un)learning economics. Teacher Plus. pp. 88-91. ISSN 0973-778

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Economics textbooks teach students only the now popular and mainstream economics otherwise called ‘neo classical economics’. But studying this will be a uni-dimensional way of understanding the subject especially when several noted economists have charted out different ways of understanding the subject. So to understand what economics is we have to unlearn what we learnt as economics and explore the subject in several different ways.

Item Type: Article
Authors: Thomas, Alex M.
Uncontrolled Keywords: Economics, Economics curriculum, Economics textbooks, Economics research and teaching, Economic theory and policy, Ethics and economics, Neo classical economics
Subjects: Social sciences > Economics
Divisions: Azim Premji University - Bengaluru > School of Arts and Sciences
Full Text Status: Public
URI: http://publications.azimpremjiuniversity.edu.in/id/eprint/2348
Publisher URL: http://www.teacherplus.org/unlearning-economics/

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